University of Hamburg Mineralogical Museum of the University of Hamburg
Mineral name
Height: 25 mm, width: 40 mm
Type of specimen
IMA-No. / Accepted
99-019 / 1999
Chemical formula
Type locality
Namibia, Tsumeb, Tsumeb mine
Associated minerals
Anglesite, wulfenite, copper ores
Mineralogisches Museum - Universität Hamburg
Contact person
Dr. Stefan Peters
Catalogue−No. / Site
MMHH TS220 / Tresor des Museums
Nature of 
type specimen

Mineral specimen

Biehlit, (Sb,As)2MoO6, a new mineral from Tsuneb, Namibia.
Schlüter, J., Klaska, K.-H., Adiwidjaja, G.,Friese, K. and Gebhard, G. (2000)
N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 5, 234-240

Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of biehlit, Sb1.79As0.21MoO6.
Adiwidjaja, G., Friese, K., Klaska, K.-H., Schlüter, J. and Czank, M. (2000)
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Vol. 215, 529-535
Notes / Further information

Bought by Jochen Schlüter during the Munich Mineral Fair from Cleif Queit, Johannesburg, in October 1991. The material was already known since about 1989; accepted as a new mineral species by the CNMMN/IMA in December 1999.
Last update 05. August 2024 by A. Matthies Imprint (german)